# Tutorial ## Launching Jupyter Lab on a Remote Host's Login Node For instance, here is how to start a jupyter lab server running on a login node of a remote host: ```bash ❯ jupyter-forward username@supersystem.univ.edu ``` ## Launching Jupyter Lab on a Remote Host's Compute Node To launch `jupyter lab` on a remote host's compute node, the user needs to specify the `--launch-command` option. The launch command is meant to submit a job on the remote host's queueing system. Once the job is up and running: 1. `jupyter lab` is launched on the compute node 2. the session is port-forwarded to the user's local machine. 3. and a link to the jupyter lab session is opened in the local machine's browser. Here is an example showing how to launch jupyter lab on Cheyenne's compute node. ```{admonition} Note Cheyenne uses the [PBS job scheduler](https://www.altair.com/pbs-works-documentation/) ``` In the following command, we tell the remote host to use the `qsub` command to submit a batch job to PBS. In addition, we specify the resources, and set job attributes: - The queue via `-q regular` - The project account via `-A AABD1115` - The resources: 1 node, 36 cpus via `-l select=1:ncpus=36,walltime=00:05:00` ```bash ❯ jupyter-forward username@supersystem.univ.edu \ --launch-command "qsub -q regular -l select=1:ncpus=36,walltime=00:05:00 -A AABD1115" ``` Here's an example showing how to launch jupyter lab on a remote system that uses [Slurm job scheduler](https://slurm.schedmd.com/documentation.html), ```bash ❯ jupyter-forward username@supersystem.univ.edu \ --launch-command "salloc -A AABD1115 -t 00:05:00 srun" ``` ## Launching Jupyter Lab on a Remote Host without port-forwarding If and/or when the remote host has nodes that can be accessed via a public IP address, `jupyter-forward` provides a `--no-port-forwarding` option which disables SSH tunneling. When the `--no-port-forwarding` option is active, the Jupyter Lab session is accessible at `https:\\` instead of `https:\\` in the local machine's browser. ```bash ❯ jupyter-forward username@supersystem.univ.edu --no-port-forwarding ```